
Reading List

One my top most favourites – helped me understand the link between the brain and the heart. Taught me how to calm the amygdala and visualize success through exercises.

Genuinely changed my life as it guided me to a mindset which helped me persevere through trying times. Helped me to train my mind and understand that thoughts determine everything.

This book changed my perception on the way the human brain operates and makes decisions.

Amazing sci-fi fiction series. The books are captivating and filled with scientific and philosophical ideas.

Amazing literature, teaches us about inequality in society. Initially this was a hard read, but the lessons learnt were definitely worth the time spent.

This book helped me learn the proper breathing techniques to improve my oxygen uptake.

Another one of my very favourites. This is a series my brother and I grew up with– it holds a lot of sentimental value for me. The books are filled with action-packed adventure, as well as Greek mythology.

This book appealed to the Computer Scientist in me. It discusses the effects of Artificial Intelligence on Earth.

An eye-opener that altered my thoughts on time and productivity and how we will never be able to master our time.

This book is all about the importance of sleep. It helped me to understand that many of us are sleep deprived, and how it affects the way we learn and make decisions.

A classic book which I keep returning to again and again. It teaches several life lessons that can be applied immediately.

An interesting read – although it portrays Machiavelli’s advice on how the current ruler of Florence could stay in power, it contains many lessons which can be applied to everyday life.