

I have been reading books consistently (outside of school) since around January 2016. I read around 8-10 books every year. I mostly read non-fiction books, a lot of the time about human psychology. However, I do alternate and switch to fiction from time to time. After reading a non-fiction book, I write a short summary of what I learned from it.


I have been playing the drums since August 2014. I have passed Trinity Grade 6 with Merit. I am currently practicing for my Trinity Grade 8 Exam.


I have been boxing for almost two years now and it has helped me a lot. It’s one of those sports that indulges you in athleticism. The more you spar and train, the more opportunities you get to stand and fight, facing your opponent head on. You train your mind and body to constantly persist. It’s a great stress buster for me.


Travelling is something we enjoy as a family. Since childhood, I remember going on holidays with my parents to new and different places every summer. Some of those memories are my most treasured. I also had the opportunity to travel with my friends and school to Cyprus on a Geography trip, and, Florida for a Space Camp. Travelling extensively, and, living in Dubai which is a melting pot, has instilled in me, a great sense of acceptability, and appreciation of the many cultures and religions.

Pic for travelling under the Passion tab