

Young Coders

An award-winning project, honoured by the Government of India. Please click here for more information.

The Young Coders project is a Computer Lab dedicated to training under-privileged students on basic computer skills and programming languages such as Python and AI. This project is a collaboration with the Krishna Chandra Shakti Foundation in Bihar, India, which is a non-profit organization focused on children’s education. The project involved raising funds to deploy 22 computers and other essential equipment to create a computer lab and the hiring of a qualified computer teacher to train the students and equip them with necessary computer skills. This project is currently based in the rural areas of Bihar.

Why was the project started?

As a student of Jumeirah College, I am incredibly fortunate to have access to high-quality education and resources. However, I am acutely aware that not everyone is as fortunate as me. There are many students who lack access to education and technology, which puts them at a disadvantage in a world that is increasingly driven by technology. This is why I decided to launch the Young Coders project. I believe that by providing access to technology and education, I can help bridge the digital divide and create more opportunities for underprivileged students.

Our Work

The Computer Lab provides free coding education to underprivileged students at a local school, with the guidance and management of Vidya Vatika Public School and has been running successfully since its launch in April 2023. Students that are unable to afford the fees of proper schooling, register with the school, and benefit from learning basic computer skills as well as programming languages. We already have 500 students registered for the Computer Lab and are aiming to reach 650 students in the next 2 months.

A transformative moment came when Young Coders formed a partnership with MIT’s Day of AI initiative. This collaboration opened doors to a wealth of AI-related lectures, generously provided by MIT, entirely free of cost. This invaluable addition not only enriched the curriculum but also empowered the Young Coders students with cutting-edge knowledge and the promise of a brighter future.

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